WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU. The intent of this notice is to inform all residents of this Ordinance and what this new Ordinance will mean to you as a Township resident. One of the primary tools of this Ordinance is to ensure that any residents who have on lot wastewater treatment systems (septic) are properly maintaining them as is required. These maintenance activities are in the best interest and the longevity and operation of your system as well as protection of the environment and your ground water supply. If you have a “septic” system you will be asked/reminded to have your septic tank pumped at least every three (3) years. The Supervisors have split the Township into three districts thus requiring one third of the Township to pump their systems each alternating year. This schedule will ensure that in a three year period the entire Township will have had their systems pumped and inspected. Over the next three years all residents will be receiving a notice/reminder to have your septic tank pumped out by the hauler of your choosing and will be asked to send the Township a copy of the report/receipt from your septic hauler. These reports/receipts will be used for documentation and tracking purposes. See attachments below.